eCommerce industry is now considered as one of the most valuable and fastest growing industries. As per the Experts, the sale of the eCommerce industry will reach $2 trillion by the end of the year 2020. Also, Hence, a large no. of entrepreneurs are opting custom eCommerce development.

Whether it is marking the store sales or an arrangement of the products, eCommerce businesses have a complete control of the website in their hands, as a result, they can directly connect with their customers and promote sales.

According to a survey, in total retail sales, the share of eCommerce website is supposed to rise to 17.5% by the year 2021. In order to start retaining customers and increase no. of loyal customers, below are the ways on how to make an eCommerce website successful. These methods will cover how to make customers experience each and every element of an eCommerce website and also explain how all these elements will help to attract more and more customers and increase sales.

Hire a Good eCommerce Development Company

If you are looking forward to launching your eCommerce website in a short time period and in a professional looking manner, without a second thought, hire a good and experienced eCommerce development company.

In addition, you must ask for the references to other eCommerce websites developed by the company before. Furthermore, before the start of the website development, you must get to know the timeline they will take to launch your eCommerce website. Also, you should assure whether the eCommerce development company has experience in developing a website on the eCommerce platform chosen by you.

Often, businesses start working with the eCommerce development companies without doing any research and their eCommerce website projects stop even before beginning. Don’t let this happen to you.

Attractive Website Design

Studies have proved that 93% customers consider website design as one of the most important factors while purchasing any product.

Even if you are providing the best customer services but have dull & boring website design, your existing online business is a doomed one.

In order to earn profits, you can either hire a good reputed website designer . Moreover, various ready-made templates can be downloaded and changes can be made as per your requirements. There are numerous websites available for downloading website templates designed by following the latest trends in website development.

Web design should catch the visitors’ attention. You should use full-sized images and less text.

Offer Excellent Online Support

Whenever any eCommerce website is developed, the most important thing is to get an excellent online support. Providing after-sales service and troubleshooting and having conversation with customers before the purchase will eventually convert the potential buyers into loyal customers.

These days, the most used online support in eCommerce websites is the live chat feature working 24/7. You should provide any type of online support possible for the convenience of your customers.

No eCommerce website is without payment options. You should offer a big range of payment options for your customers so that they can buy easily.

Payment options like Visa , MasterCard, Paytm, RuPay and PayPal are some of the leading payment options, but you must opt for other payment options as well. Save the payment options of your customers for making future payments more seamless.

To connect with your potential customers in a more creative way advertising your eCommerce website on various social media channels is a very good way. It can be like anything such as posting on Facebook, to sharing a story on Instagram.

Moreover, tools like Google Analytics should be used for tracking the success of your ads. If you are unaware of how to advertise using social media, then to begin with you should simply follow the guidelines of the respective social media platforms.

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