It’s not an exaggeration that technology is largely driving the business growth in today’s dog eat dog world and business players whether the established ones or new kids on the block are leaving no stone unturned and eventually hiring the service of the best web development companies to enjoy numero uno position in the highly competitive online business arena today.

WordPress, a content management system is fast gaining popularity as an important business tool among business goliaths to showcase their products and services to the potential buyers in order to win brownie points and winning edge over the archrivals in the e-commerce marketing space. As from the word go it’s very evident that WordPress is not merely a blogging website but a tool that predominately acts as nuts and bolts of the publishing content and the ball is completely in the court of the companies and the entrepreneurs that what content they want to publish and how they want to convey the same to their consumers to carve a formidable space in the digital marketing space.

In terms of functionalities and features its way ahead of the other such platforms and hence, it comes as no wonder that why it has become the most sought-after content management systems and the preferred choice of the business entrepreneurs across the globe.

The Word Press is currently dominating the CMS market with 60.8 percent market share. Hands down when it all boils down to market your products and services to the prospective customers in the most creative manner then WordPress is by and large the best platform to achieve the business goals with flying colors. The very fact that one can sell products on the electronic storefront capturing the imagination of the shopping freaks through impeccable power-packed content makes it the ideal platform for promoting one’s business online. Business players can hire the top WordPress developers to outperform others competitors vying to stay on the top of the game.

The Array of Reasons that Makes WordPress the Most Popular CMS Today

  1. Firstly, and most importantly the WordPress CMS is absolutely 100 free to use minus all technical intricacies.
  2. Secondly, Adding, modifying or updating the content on the website also relatively easy compared to other available CMS today
  3. Thirdly, an availability of wide assortment of themes to make content visually appealing to the potential consumers on WordPress is also worth-mentioning feature of the WordPress CMS.
  4. In order to make few changes or to handle the nitty-gritty of the website one doesn’t necessarily need to be pro technically. In nutshell one doesn’t require to avail the service of the WordPress developer every time even to make slightest of the changes.
  5. Plugin allows owner to do all kind of upgradations without any hassle.
    But, on top of all the discussed points above; the most important aspect amongst all is to ask 11 pertinent questions before hiring or availing the service of the WordPress development company to extract the best result to propel the business growth online.

Following are the questions that business entrepreneurs should ask with respect to hiring WordPress programmers before inducting him for the crucial job.

  • In order to emerge on the top of the game in the e-commerce marketing space one of the first things we must emphasize on knowing is the proven work experience record of the word press developers before getting him on the board and as WordPress web development is a scrupulous process the business owner should ask the estimated timeframe for the completion of the project also.
  • Business owner must also duly check the portfolio of the WordPress development company before finally striking deal with the same to know specifically that what kind of projects the company has handled in the past that will render fair idea about company’s level of expertise in that domain.
  • The business player should also ask the developer to work on having backup web solutions ready if in case the website service gets temporarily disrupted due to any kind of glitch or other factors. As the matter of fact,service can get convulsed/disrupted at any point of time so it’s really vital to have back-up version ready that will indubitably save a lot of time and money.
  • Given the fact that “WordPress” is massively used open-source platform therefore, in light of the fact; it’s imperative to save it from the possible threats from the hackers. With regards to this, business owner must ask the web developer to have preventive measures in place like meticulously developed coding to protect the site. In addition to this, it’s also equally important to know from the WordPress developer is that whether he has vast and deep understanding of website architecture and its aesthetics
  • Among the string of other significant questions business owner should ask the developer is that how much experience he holds working with the debugging tools like “Git”, “Mercurial” and “SVN”.
  • It’s paramount to know before hiring the web developer is that whether he possess in-depth knowledge of front -end technologies like CSS3, Javascript, HTML5 and JQuery as well as back-end technologies that are apparently quite crucial to design the robust website that is laced with all fully integrated features to strike chord with the consumers.
  • Developing user friendly e-commerce website is not a kid’s game and, in the quest, to achieve the resolve it’s really important that WordPress developer must have incredible experience of working with debugging tools that include Chrome Inspector and firebug at large.
  • To hire top WordPress developer is definitely an uphill task therefore, before hiring the one, the business entrepreneur also must ask the developer that he should be able to troubleshoot the content issues along with monitoring the performance of the live website to figure out any kind of glitches.
  • WordPress Developer must also emphasize on conducting periodic WordPress training with the clients so that the clients also get familiar with all the nuances and features of the website to fetch the best outcome.
  • One of the most prominent questions that business player shouldn’t eschew from asking the WordPress developer is the whether he would be able to develop and design the website within the allocated budget or not.
  • As the business owner you might be not be the best person to ask the question given the fact that you are not a tech pro but, WordPress website development is not the piece of the cake so, before appointing the programmer one should ask whether the WordPress developer will use existing themes or will customize the existing themes or create the new one from the scratch to come up with the best website that can meet the expectations of the clients.

Therefore, it’s loud and clear that if we meticulously consider the 11 aforementioned points before hiring the WordPress developer for developing the website, we would definitely be in win win position and achieve the goal with flying colors.

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